ED510 Personal Blog
The Final Week
This week is the final week of working on my ePortfolfio. I have learned a lot about creating a portfolio and it has been fun to put together and showcase each of the resources I have created over the semester to see how they fit together into one tool I can use when using technology in the classroom and creating tools for my students. I especially enjoyed making content such as the animated video, a virtual poster, and a survey that I can administer to my students. I have already incorporated some of the resources I have been introduced to throughout the semester in the classes that I am teaching.
Online Tools
This week, we explored different online tools that can be used for communication, collaboration, and design. Using Voki to create an animated video to communicate to upcoming students a little bit about the Robotics elective I teach. Symbaloo Webmix was also a very cool resource that I will be using in my classes. Not only did I create one for myself to help keep track of website links I use, but I also posted one for my students with a collection of websites they are currently using in their classes.
While the amount of resources we are creating has been a little bit overwhelming, it has been interesting to brainstorm how I can create something that I can actually use in my classroom. I have never used or even heard of MailChimp, and at first, I was a little intimidated. After figuring out how to add contacts that I wanted to send my newsletter out to, I feel a lot more comfortable using it. I think this tool will be especially helpful when sending information out about my volleyball camps, personal training, and tryouts. It is funny because now, I see the commercial for MailChimp all the time!
Welcome to My Blog!
Welcome to my personal blog where I will make a couple of posts about my experiences during ED510 Technology for Teaching & Training. I am very excited about this semester in learning about different instructional technologies and resources that I can utilize in my career!